Advertisement Rates for different banner sizes are as follows
You can book you ads by contacting at
Cell # +923134312635
468 X 60 Banner placed on main page
@ Rs 400.00 or US$ 5 per month
145 X 145 Banner placed on side bar
@ Rs 700.00 or US$ 9 per month
160 X 600 Skyscraper Banner placed on the side of a page
@ Rs 1000.00 or US$ 13 per month
Ad formate could be changed on request
If you want to link your banner with a web page containing all the details of your products / survices, hosted at our server than you will be charged 20% extra. Designing charges of that web page will
be Rs.500 or US$ 7 only (one time )
- You can book your ads by e-mail and send your cheque or Bank Draft by courier
- Ad material along with date of release and period to be sent by email.
- Please also include Cheque / Bank Draft number, Date.
- All advertisements are subject to release after realisation of Cheque/ Bank Draft.
- we reserve the right to accept and publish any advertisement. In case an advertisement is not accepted, the payment made by the advertisers will be refunded.